Friday, 13 January 2012

How to draw : Shadow from Sonic the Hedgehog

     Hey, it's me and I am posting tutorial (finally).Before we get started I drew a head to head Shadow vs Sonic.I was wondering if you would like to try drawing Sonic battling Shadow, for everyone to see up here on Mystic Art?

Step 1 : Draw a circle and add facail lines , very lightly.

Step 2 : Draw the shape of the eyeball and the "angry" eyelid by curving it up then down. Add the forehead slightly away from the circle.

Step 3 : Add the pupil close to the forehead.

Step 4 : Add ears curving forward.The one on the opposite side of the head smaller than the side of the head you are looking at.

Step 5 : Add the nose and cheeks by drawing a shape that looks like the bottom of a shoe , below the Shadow's eye.

Step 6 : Draw in the mouth(slightly open) and add a tension line above the eye but below the ear.

Step 7 : Draw in the hedgehog hair onto Shadow and make them get smaller as they go below the chin.  Make them curve closer to the chin as it gets lower down.

Step 8 : Add areas onto the hair , on the edges.

Step 9 : Add the shoulder by drawing an oval a.Than draw a line that indicates the neck from the closed part of his mouth and down.Then just draw a slightly puffed up chest with some fur on it.

Step 10 : Add the inside of the ear on the side of the face you are looking at.

Step 11 : Erase the top part of the shoulder.

Step 12 : Now to finish the shoulder. Make the line closest to the hair curve up and make Shadow look slightly hunched.

Step 13 : Make the hair go behind the finished shoulder and draw in the neck.

Step 14 : Now just colour in the hair edges making them darker and you just drew a Shadow!!!!



  1. HI!!!!! THATS AWSOME!!! Idk if you can reply but if you can please do!! X3

    1. Hi Sabine. I am glad that you liked my tutorial and I am currently working on more art. I hope your Shadow turned out great and feel free to post it up on Mystic Art. If you want me to do a tutorial on something then please ask. Keeping drawing:)


  2. Replies
    1. No I am sorry I really have no idea who you are????

  3. Im a friend that recently moved from your school... who likes fiesta XD

  4. what school are you in now????? sorry i tend to forget:(

  5. I dont wanna say >.> there might be some stalker on here that will read this chat and come to my school XD

  6. Ow...... well i kinda are not sure who you are still but I am developing a slight idea. How is C K ?

  7. XD Im goooooood!! ^-^ How bout you? Btw... IM LVL 67 ON FIESTA!!! ^-^

  8. What do you mean i just said im good. Hows C B and J B? ^-^

  9. ? i don't understand C B. Are you sure you know who you are talking to????
